Meet Tania
Your INDEPENDENT Member for McIntyre in the Legislative Council of the Tasmanian Parliament
Tania was honoured to be appointed as one of three Commissioners along with Hon Craig Farrell, President and Hon Leonie Hiscutt, at the request of our Governor Barbara Baker at the opening of Parliament in May 2022.
Tania is a well-known identity in the North East of Tasmania and has raised four daughters in the Dorset Municipality where she currently resides.
Tania was educated at Winnaleah Area School and Scottsdale High School. Prior to her government career she worked in a variety of roles including laboratory assistant, pharmacy assistant and owner operator of the Winnaleah Four Square Supermarket.
Tania became a member of local government as an elected member of Dorset Council in 1996 and Deputy Mayor in 2002, before becoming an elected to the Legislative Council division of Apsley in May 2004.